Sunday, March 8, 2009

what is art? FiNAL PAPeR

Technique: For my new piece I first drew a rose, I used a pencil and eraser and just drew it free-hand style. Then I continued and made a pair of praying hands holding a cross. I added a ripped up cloth that wrapped itself around the praying hands and the cross. I didn’t shade any part in or add any color at first just to see how it would look like.Point of view: I feel my art piece does connect with my definition of art because in my definition of art the piece has to connect to me and my life. Ok so one down. No but really my art piece shows a type of sadness for someone who’s in trouble and in need of a miracle, which I feel everyone can relate to. My art piece isn’t happy but I feel it isn’t ugly. By ugly I mean it doesn’t look like I scribbled something down that took 5 minutes to draw. It looks like time was put into this. Even though my piece was supposed to send a sad kind of message I wanted some type of beauty in it. So I drew a rose and made sure to not add any colors that were too harsh. For example dark blue, dark green, dark anything. I wanted light colors to play into the sadness that I wanted my audience to feel. The praying hands show this. Someone who’s worried about this other person is praying for them, hoping things will get better. That’s where the cross plays apart. The cross symbolizes a higher power, in this case, God. They’re praying to God for someone else. This also connects to me because I believe in God and in a way to my culture. The worn out, ripped up cloth is in there because I wanted somewhere to add the words “Reza por mi” in there. I thought it would add a nice touch. My art piece wasn’t done in five minutes not even in ten minutes. It took a lot of erasing and doing it over again and again and I feel it shows.
Point of View: I wanted my art piece to send out a kind of sad but hopeful message to whoever is looking at it. I feel my art piece does this by showing simple things that show this message. For example, the praying hands, people will automatically think someone is praying for something most likely a miracle or something like that. The cross send s out a religious factor. Someone is praying to God. The rose was out in this piece to symbolize a something good waiting to happen that this person who is praying is waiting for.
My definition for art would have to be that whatever this piece may be about or whatever the message it has to have been thought out or at least it has to have had time put into it. You could tell my piece wasn’t drawn in three minutes. It took a long time to draw, re-trace with pen, color, etc. The art piece has to relate to me in some kind of way. Doesn’t matter if it relates to him or her but if it doesn’t touch me then it isn’t art in my eyes. Art can be of any color. What art can’t be is ugly. Don’t get me wrong though. I’m not saying I don’t like art to be about anger or sadness or destruction. It just has to be clean and has to look like the artist spent some real time into it. Like I said it has to convey a message that relates to me and my life or heritage.

Context and Connections: Before creating my art piece it sounds kind of silly but I looked at a lot of stickers that are sold in the Mission. I collect these and I feel these really are art. I like the style and everything about it. They’re primarily referred to as Chicano art. That’s the kind of style I wanted my art piece to be like. I also looked at this lady’s website filled with images of her own art (her name is Cristina Acosta). She commented one of my blog posts and asked me to look at her site. And so I did. She made paintings that reflected her Chicano heritage, which is exactly the type of art I like. I liked her paintings and that’s where I got the light color theme from .She primarily uses a lot of light colors to portray sadness and that’s the emotion I wanted to send out. When looking at the stickers and their Chicano style to them, you’ll be able to see my piece is very similar to them. Just because it’s sending out amessage about life, whether it be happy, troubled, angry, sad (which in this case it is.) It also digs into the Chicano heritage where for some God plays a par in their life. That’s where the cross in my piece gets into. Based on this exploration of art I fell that the type of characteristics that Art needs to have is it needs to have beauty to it. That doesn’t mean that a piece can’t have destruction as the message or can’t be sad or angry or anything like that. By beauty I mean first of all it has to seem like it took time to create this piece. Secondly, there has to be a type of color combination to it. Meaning it cannot have any type of color contrast. Thirdly, the piece must have a message that I can connect to whether it be in daily life, my roots, my culture. It has to connect to me for it be considered art in my opinion.

Reflection: Well, when I fist started this project I actually had another art piece that I had drawn. It was black and white and I liked it. But I lost it. And I felt like I didn’t want to do that again besides I was going through some family issue and I felt like I wanted to do another piece that would express how I felt for a particular family member at the time. So I needed some ideas. I have this sticker collection that I feel shows real artistic work. I really wanted to make this piece in the kind of drawing style that the stickers show. I would describe this style as something like smooth, dark/and or light colors, a lot of blending, and a lot of what I want to call a haze like effect. Now my art piece I didn’t want to come off as dark. I wanted it to show up light and hopeful. So I used light colors. I did outline some of the things in my piece like the rose because I wanted that particular object to stand out. Other than that I left everything in light colors using my color pencils.
Well, so back to my idea phase of this project. So I wanted something hopeful but to also send out that something sad was happening and a miracle needed to happen. So I thought of my religion and decided to draw praying hands and a cross to express this feeling and situation. I put the rose in my piece to show a kind of beauty, like a kind of good that I was hoping would turn up at in the end.
Comparing my piece to the stickers I collect I would have to say my piece doesn’t look as professional as these stickers look. It looks like these stickers were more computer animated than drawn whereas my piece is completely done by hand. But my piece and the stickers are drawn in the same style and use like colors to convey a certain message.

Process: From the beginning of this project I do feel like my definition of art has developed into something else. I used to think art was just about anything, it all depended on who was looking at it. But once I thought about what I personally thought was art that’s when everything changed. To me not everything is art. It has to always relate to me. It has to have some kind of beauty in the piece. It has to use colors that complement each other. I found out a lot about what I thought was art. And it’s still so hard to explain what I think is art. When I lost my first art piece that was a big setback. At first I didn’t know what to do. Then I started to think about what I could possible draw again for this project. And then it all came to me.

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