Tuesday, January 20, 2009

CONNECtiNG 2 My PROjECt w/My DEf. Of ARt

What is Art? (according to Nataly): Can be of any color (black, white, red, orange, etc.), a good amount of time has to have been put into it and it shows through the piece, must be eye-catching, doesn't always have to be something happy it can be sad, angry, destructive, but whatever emotion or feeling it must have some kind of beauty to it. Something that I can connect to or relate to my roots, my culture.

What is NOT Art (according to Nataly): Something that holds no meaning, no type of connection to myself. It looks as though it was done in 2 seconds or looks as though somebody just threw things together and claimed it to be an artistic piece. That's NOT art.

I feel my art piece does portray my definition of art because, it's black and white and color doesn't matter to me just so long as it looks like time has been put into it and it sends some kind of message to me or connects to me in some kind of way. I feel my piece does all of the above. It looks like i thought it out. It looks like i didn't just scribble something on a piece of paper and that was it. My piece is kind of confusing and weird but that's o.k. because it makes me think and will make others think as well. I feel like my piece is trying to send out the state of confusion or something like mesmerization, something like that. It's like something beautiful, a rose, in a state of confusion or being mesmerized by something beautiful. The most difficult part of this project....i guess it would have to be coming up with my own definition of art. It was hard for me because i had to really think of what i, myself, thought of as art. It was hard because i had to look at other art pieces online and decide what i liked and considered art and what certain features of a piece i didn't like and consider art. That was the hardest part for me. 

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